DANG... ??
Go learn french at school !!! >(
(<3 = Dick ???)
'Kay i go out...
NG's Princess DJ ^.~
Age 32, Female
Musician / Model
Joined on 10/11/08
DANG... ??
Go learn french at school !!! >(
(<3 = Dick ???)
'Kay i go out...
... <3 = Love ^^
hhhhhheeeeeeeyyyyyyyy i fell of my bed last night sleeping............... dont lol about it i got hurt (again) ahhhhhh my head hehehehehe he he he h..e ok im done bitching
:} Sorry...HAHAHAHA XD lol
welcome to NG! Just be careful of spammers!
Thanks I will :D
I agree with chaoese. There are alot of mean spammers out there. I'm even 2nd in command of a group that tries to stop spam. ^-^; But I don't think it'll work. ^-^;;
And also, has anyone given you a "Welcome to NG!" hug yet? ^-^
Cool! Thanks for the welcome
Spammers will annoy the hell out of you so i suggest you add those spammers to your block list!
KK Thanks for teh advise ; )
Also never leave your e-mail adress on your post, otherwise the spammers will clog up your inbox with more crap. Oh jeez right now i feel like a spammer cuz i'm leaving a bunch of messages! lol!................... But i'm not.
I know ^^
In that case you should check Dimoria's and Devastus' music, specially a song called "The Summoning"(on Devastus page). As for the electro-metal I mentioned you should check headbang87's page, you may not like his music at first(dunno), but it is in my opinion full of potential and power.
everyone love me >)
No i Lol
So i think
if i send a PM (private message) it's useless becauz you have so much PM so i dont send PM
But i make video game music and i would like an advice and more software for dnl. (I've got MAGIX 2008 ^^')
Alrighty I'll check out your songs ^^
yeah yeah yeah heheh lolz
lool :P
Hi! :3 i love ur stuff and some of ur inspirations artists (in fact F-777 and Kr1z) r my friends :P i get some helps :P if u have tome go check some of my music but i'll some good and decent stuff soon because all the songs i created sucks xD so i would like to talk with u(add meh: Benjamin_rocks_@hotmail.com). Btw i use Fl studio 8 (that i downloaded illegally xD) =P anyway ur a good artist =D (i play guitar,trombone and drums) ^^' d['-']b
Very nice! I'll contact you soon ^^
As soon as I got some free time ^^'
hey andrea your music is amazing i love it i absolutely enjoy techno to the bone i hope you make more and more and i hope you get master at it too cuz i luv music especially yours i pretty much have extremely good taste in music cuz i have at least over 65 artists plus you should check out xsakux and if you want i could send you artists that ive found plus w/ the similarity to the rose by cornand beans youve got that down seriously, girl your awesome
Thank you very much, I would love to listen to some of the artists you said ^.~
it's bullshit you talk out there!
I PM'ed andrea and got answer the next day ^^,
PS: <3 = cock ^^, <:OPOA (or somethin' :P)
Dang :O
we're not spammers if it's us, you're talking 'bout!
Vashie's just trying to make fr13ndz,
Omaga is an asshole ;)
And i'm just enslaved at the newest drug "Cookie-ine" :P:P
btw andrea, send me chocolate cookies by PM (Newest technology XD)
:O I'll send them right away!
: B4 they get cold...oh too late...you get cold cookies! :D
at = to
but who cares ^^^,
..:::lol he's got 3 eyes ^.~:::..
i love your music its so good i put the candy dance on meh mp3. your really good at this stuff.!!!! :)
YAY! Thank ya ;D
Hey there! ^-^ Been a while, hasn't it? ^-^;
Anyways, today, I was listening to your music all day!! I love it! :D
Srsly? Me too! lawl XD
Ty ^^
One of my favorite of your songs is Silver Rose. It's just amazingly ballin! ;)
Hahaha ty ^^
thanx for the cookies ^^,
You are the best (L)
I don't care if they're freezing or melting..
i just use them for my top secret experimental science project, which will destroy earth and give every born child wings.
'(it's about how many cookies i can eat, be4 i explode)
707 :P
100 comment! YAY ^.~
oh, great
Now ppl will be asking:
what's ur opinion of pokemon? what's ur opinion of dragon ball z?, what's ur opinion of Cookies (wtf?!?)
"i" don't care. as long as i get cookies ;P
Cya doods 'round :P
And cookies you get! :D