Okay so think its time to make a new post :P
My previews post almost had 100 comments lool XD
Okay so first of all I want to thank from the deep of my heart all of my friends, fans, voters, reviewers and artists that have supported me soooooo much <3 I LOVE YOU ALL
Seriously, I cant believe I already have more than a hundred users that have added me as their favorite artist, its a huge honor to let me be part of your lives ^^
Thank you for listening to my music! :D
So on another note, I decided to type my user name on YouTube yesterday, just for fun, and I found many cool videos featuring my music! So I decided to play the best videos here to thank this people for helping me spread my name, so here they are, give them some love ;D
Enjoy P:
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Does Runescape really still exist? lol
Congrats on your portal success!! (:
I wish people like live instruments the same though, maybe I could have a shot at fame D:
Hahaha Im sure ppl love live instruments too! Its just they havent discovered you ; )